Typos? Tackle 'em Head-On!
Navigating Common Mistakes and Polishing Your Online Presence
Your Essential Guide to Error-Free Web Content
  • Spell Check Functionality: Leverage the built-in spell check functionality within your website editor. These tools can be a lifesaver, automatically highlighting or correcting typos as you write. They are your first line of defence against the sneaky typo.

  • Read Aloud: Reading your content aloud can help you spot typos that your eyes might have missed during silent proofreading. It forces you to slow down and focus on each word.

  • Beware of Homophones: Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings (e.g., "their," "there," and "they're"). Typos involving homophones are common, so keep an eye out for them.

  • Typos in URLs and Links: Typos in URLs can lead to broken links, affecting user experience. Double-check any links or URLs you include in your content, as your website editor might not catch these errors.

  • Collaboration and Peer Review: If possible, have a colleague or friend review your content. Fresh sets of eyes can uncover typos that you might have overlooked.

  • If you find any typos, or need to make any changes- our tips about using your website editor (in our third email to you after your website went live) should help! 

But if you are flummoxed and still need further assistance, just get in touch with us!

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